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Are you sick of the commercialization of Mother’s Day? Have you had it trying to beat the crowd in a restaurant? Today Mother’s Day is one of the largest retail holidays in the US. It has become the most popular holiday of the year for dining out. According to the National Restaurant Association close to half of the American population is dining out or getting take-out on Mother’s Day! But do we -the moms- like spending our day in a crowded restaurant together with half of the US population? Let me ask you this:

Have you ever dined out with a toddler? It might not be enjoyable at all. And most likely not very relaxing.

If standing in line, pleasing screaming, food-throwing toddlers while at the same time talk to the rest of the family is your idea of fun -then go ahead. It certainly isn’t mine.

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Essence of Mother’s Day

pink lily up close_ideas for a relaxing Mother's dayI believe Mother’s Day was meant to be a day for children to celebrate their mothers. A day to pause for a moment to recognize what our mothers actually do for us.  A day for the children to spend together with their moms and do something meaningful, something to remember.

History behind Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was signed a US national holiday in 1914. Even though celebration of motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, the modern day celebration started in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in West Virginia. You can read more about the history of Mother’s Day on History.com here. Today Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world on various dates, even though most countries celebrate their mothers in the spring.

What would YOU like to do on Mother’s Day?

This is YOUR day -what would YOU like to do? I think it’s important to express your feelings to the rest of the family. While your husband might think the best way to celebrate motherhood is to visit a restaurant, it might not resonate with you… Maybe you would prefer to stay in bed, have some alone-time or just relax at home..? What makes you feel appreciated and loved? What do you want and need? Here are some ideas for a relaxing Mother’s Day.

Ideas for a more relaxing Mother’s Day

Below are some ideas of things and activities you can do to feel special this Mother’s Day instead of hitting the crowd. Of course the recommendations depend on the ages of your kids.


Maybe some alone-time is all you need in order to re-charge. I think Mother’s Day should be a day you spend together with your kids, but let’s just face it -do you think your baby cares if it’s Mother’s Day or any day? The most important thing for you right now might be to rest and have some alone-time to re-charge. That way you will have the energy to be a better mom all the other days.


If you have older kids, why not treating them (and yourself of course!) to a spa day together? I’m sure they’ll enjoy to spend this special time together, as much as you will.

Day of relaxation

Maybe breakfast in bed sounds appealing to you? Tell your close ones that’s what you’d like. Stay in your pajamas all day and let the rest of the family spoil you by making lunch and taking care of the house chores. Maybe you’ll choose to top the day off by watching a family movie together?

Enjoy nature

I’m a big fan of hiking and nature. Being close to nature is rejuvenating to me. Ask the family to join you for a hike. The important thing here is taking the time. NO STRESS. Try to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the moment.

calming deep forest in Sweden_relaxing mother's day

Try something new and exciting

Visit a place you have never seen before or try something new: canoeing, climbing, an obstacle course or go skydiving (if you dare!). Try to think out of the box. One of my most precious and fun memories I had together with my family was when we went treetop zip-lining in Lake Tahoe! This is even more fun if you are a group of people, so maybe consider inviting your extended family.

girl in boat on river_relaxing activities on mother' day little boy with dad on zipline_fun activities on Mother's day

Make it a tradition

Why not introducing a family tradition? If you visit a certain park on Mother’s Day and your family enjoys it, try to make it a recurring family tradition to go there every year. Kids love traditions!

Bottom line

In order to make Mother’s Day relaxing, enjoyable and something to remember you need to tell your family what you would REALLY like to do. If you would like to go out -tell them. If you would like to stay home -tell them. This is your day and you get to choose what’s on the agenda!


pink rose close up_happy Mother's day!



close up of beautiful flower with text overlay How to avoid the Mother's day commotion

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