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Make your own Donut Hanukkah Menorah -our Tradition

We have made it a tradition to help our children making their own Hanukkah Menorah every year. We go online (Pinterest!) and look for ideas to get inspiration. Sometimes we make it simple, sometimes a little more advanced. This year we got our idea from this pin.

Why we celebrate Hanukkah

I especially like the double meaning of the donuts. While you might just look at it as a row of cute donuts at first, the donuts represent the Hanukkah miracle -the miracle of the oil that lasted for eight days! On Hanukkah we make foods using lots of oil (not so good for the diet!). This includes a special round donut called “sufgania”. While the pin is a cute idea, there are no instructions on how to make this hanukiyah.

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*The difference between a Menorah and a Hanukiyah

Hanukkah menorah = hanukiyah 

If you say Hanuka menorah, it makes me (and every Israeli person) cringe. We call it “Hanukiyah”. A Hanukiyah is lit on Hanukkah and has 9 candles (8 + 1 helper, called shamash). The Menorah, on the other hand, has 7 candles. The Menorah is a Jewish symbol and was lit every day in the Tabernacle and The Holy Temple of Jerusalem. 


How we made it:

  1. Choose your base and paint it however you’d like. Make sure there’s enough room for all of the donuts.
2. Mix the compound or plaster of Paris according directions on the packaging. Grease the mold with oil to prevent sticking.
3. Make your own puffy paint if you’d like to add some texture to your donuts. We used this recipe from Meaningful Mama
4. Paint to your heart’s content! Add puffy paint or sparkles and glitter to add some cool details!
5. When dry, carefully glue the donuts to the base using a glue gun. Warning: It doesn’t stick very well. If you pull at it, the donut might come off and break. For us it stayed put through the 8 nights of Hanukkah and that’s what’s important, right?
6. And here they are, ready to shine the first night of Hanukkah! 

Share your creations with us!

Please feel free to share in the comments if you have made a Hanukiya with your kids this year. We’re curious and are always looking for new ideas. And if you make this -HAVE FUN WITH IT!

If you’re interested in watching a short story on YouTube that explains (in English) the history behind Hanukkah and why we celebrate it, click below.

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