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Is overwhelm keeping you up at night? Read on.

I must admit that so far May has been a pretty exhausting month for us. There are so many things going on at the same time! There has been Mother’s day, where I was in charge of craft in the classroom, teacher appreciation week (coordinating of one classroom), talent show (assisting the person in charge), baking contest, art show, testing for the older kids and a few different spring events at our Swedish school I’ve been in charge of. As if that’s not enough we have three May birthdays in our family! Sometimes I feel I can barely keep my head above water…. Familiar feeling? If so; I would like to share with you how I overcome this stress and eventually come out -all in one piece- at the end of the tunnel. I would like to share how to handle overwhelm.

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plant growing through hole in rock_how to handle overwhelm

10 tips to handle overwhelm

  1. Number ONE is to focus on one task/thing at a time! If you start even thinking about everything you have to do all at once, you’ll only panic. Try to set time apart for one task at a time and finish it. Then cross it off your list.
  2. Make a list. I know -it sounds so cliche, but it really works for me. Use the calendar on your phone (or whatever calendar you might use) to write down important events as soon as you get notice of a new event or due date. If you’re at all like me, you’ll think you’ll remember everything in your head. Doesn’t always work..Instead I find myself wasting time constantly checking emails and notes from school about different events.
  3. Don’t waste precious time on social media! It sucks you in…it’s a BIG time-thief. I get it, you don’t want to miss what’s going on, but try to keep it down. Set a limit to social media use, or you can easily browse away a whole hour -just in a blink! I’m guilty of this, especially when I’m a bit tired and my mind wanders off..
  4. Don’t procrastinate! When I first read a task (in school or work) I sometimes need a little time to let it sink in. But after that I need to jump in and deal with it! Don’t postpone your most important tasks because they intimidate you and seem difficult. You can do it! Just start. Do what you have to do in the order of importance, not in order of difficulty.
  5. Put on your blinders. Sometimes in life you just need to prioritize. If you’d seen my house right now, you’d understand what I mean…It takes time to get used to this, but sometimes you just need to look the other way when you see a mountain of dishes waiting for you in the sink or when the unfolded laundry is piling up. You’ll get to that too (eventually).
  6. Try to do something relaxing like reading a good book a few minutes before going to bed. It’ll take things off your mind. I have noticed that when I work or do something stressful just before going to bed, it will affect my sleep. I will keep on thinking about it when I fall asleep and either I’ll dream about it, or I’ll wake up, thinking about it. Sleep is SO important for being able to work effectively too.
  7. I know you lack spare time, but do your best to squeeze in at least half hour of exercise a few times a week. It can be a walk, run or maybe yoga at home. When I exercise I sleep so much better at night too. When I’m sleep-deprived I’m very unfocused.
  8. Wake up earlier in the morning. Put the alarm for at least an hour earlier than usual a few times a week. This can be hard, especially if you’re a night person like me, but it does give you some quiet time to get things done. The important thing here is to work as focused as possible in order to get things done. If you try to work while you have your kids around, it will only make you irritated when they rush in and need your help. Again -focus on the task at hand. If you are working, then work. If your kids are around, spend time with them. When you try to do both at the same time, nothing will get done AND you will only feel frustrated.
  9. Delegate work to others. Difficult one…But if you try, you’ll see some people will actually be happy to help out. In school for example; if no-one is organizing a teacher gift maybe it’s not because they don’t want to. The reason might be they don’t know how, or when, to do it. Or that they think YOU will do it. So ask for help. Ask if someone else would be willing to do it.
  10. And now comes the big one….. Learn to say no. Sometimes you just have to realize your limits. There is only 24 hours a day and you can only do so much. Sometimes it is okay to say no. Don’t take more upon you than you can handle.

I know that sometimes a lot of pressure is put on us moms, but please don’t pity yourself. Instead be happy you have all this going on in your life. Thinking about it, most things I have been busy with during this month of May are fun and good things. I’m glad I am needed and that I can help.Quote on sign: Enjoy the little things in life, for some day you will realize they were the big things

So buckle your seat-belts and enjoy the ride!

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